Forward Russia got asked to put some ideas together for a themed mixtape this week, and Katie suggested "bands with punctuation"
3 songs jumped out at me, and I thought I'd post them here for fun
OH NO! OH MY! - Walk In The Park
I love this song, because a) it makes want to take a walk in a park, and b) when I walk through lush green lands ala parks, I think of it. It's the perfect song to walk through a park to
I like this a lot, to me it's the greatest crescendo, build up and release of tension I've ever heard on record. Not as 'beautiful' as other GYBE / Mt Zion compositions, but breathtaking like an insecent hammer through the heart
THUNDERBIRDS ARE NOW! - (The Making Of...) Make History
To me, nothing says a puntuated band like handclaps, and nothing says punctuated band doing handclaps like this song. Lots of fun, perfect indie disco song
Soundtrack to this post: Faraquet / Botch