As mentioned previously, at the start of the year I began recording some songs/demo's for Die Video Die (with a pop arrow through the heart). Well, I'm pleased to say after a (very long) break (for the aforementioned degree commitments), we finally finished two songs last week. The band are currently planning a release 'scenario' for the songs, so hopefully they'll escape to the greater world in good time
Before these demo's, keen and observant readers may recall me recording some tracks for The ABC Club. These were an experiment in nearly every shape and form, and for numerous issues remain to all intent and purpose unfinished. However, we should be going into finish them off in the next month, time/travel/location permitting!
And the exciting news is there is more recording to come from me in all shapes and forms over the coming weeks and months, and I hope to keep the blog upto date with what I'm getting up to
Soundtrack to this post: Honour Before Glory demos
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