I've been really getting into this new Brooklyn band phenomenon, like an NME bitch. My favourite two, being PASSION PIT and AMAZING BABY (alright, checking Passion Pit's Myspace reveals them to be from Boston, sorry!)
Anyway, Amazing Baby have given out a free MP3 this week, so check it out here:
In my life, it got announced the other day that I've joined DUELS. As I've commented to a few people, I've always been in Duels, we've all only just realised. The band are gearing up to give away last years immense The Barbarians Move In (see back here) free on their website, and crack on with Duels III and this is giving us top impetus. It's undoubtedly going to sound pretty awesome.
Finally, I DJ'd a new night (Beak & Wings) at the newly re-opened Josephs Well on Friday night, which was a lot of fun, better than I expected. We're doing another new night at Elbow Rooms on the last Saturday of the month which will be a similar mix of good tunes and fun times
Soundtrack to this post: Damien Jurado