My friend and Dance To The Radio co-founder "Danny Rogers" just emailed this news story to me, which is pretty interesting:
This follows a pretty interesting chat with a friend in London about the only money in music now was sponsership, the idea of getting Red Bull to sponser your tour van or Coca Cola to give away your music. Find an idea and then sell it to someone.
The tour van idea I've actually seen happen. Maximo Park's tour bus in the US had a big ad for Microsoft's equivalent of an iPod. Not really a problem, I guess, and they got free games and free meals. Is this a problem? I haven't thought about this a lot. As long as corporations are enabling original musicians, can you complain too much? Although the destiny where they control the creative output is not too appealing
Anyway, just found this blog, full of El Guincho tracks, so please enjoy:
Oh, and be prepared for me to moan about Forward Russia reviews like an ungrateful spoilt brat in the next couple of weeks
Soundtrack to this post: El Guincho